Neuveríte, čo všetko sa zmestilo do tohoto malého domčeka

Čo všetko potrebuje jeden človek pre pohodlný život? Slobodná žena z Vancouveru Isabella Legosi Mori si pred pár mesiacmi kládla presne túto otázku. Rozhodla sa, že pre svoj život nepotrebuje luxusný byt s obrovskou rozlohou, ale pohodlne jej postačí malý útulný domček v ktorom nájde všetko, čo pre svoj život potrebuje. A presne taký je jej nový domov na kolesách, v ktorom táto žena našla svoje pohodlné útočisko.Pozrite sa, ako vyzerá na prvý pohľad maličký domček, v ktorom je šikovne využitý každý centimeter priestoru.

Welcome to Thousand Crow!

Inside, there's one big room for the living space and kitchen, as well as a bathroom off to the back. The light streaming in makes it seem much more open.

The living space is raised, which helps the place seem less boxy and separates the space without creating restrictive divisions. The raised area, called the mezzanine, seems like a separate room, even though it's all one space.

There's storage under the floor...

...And inside the stairs leading up to the mezzanine. (We really like the octopus, too.)

The kitchen has a double sink so that Mori can use one for dishes and one for brushing her teeth.

There's more storage above the kitchen.

While some tiny houses opt for full appliances, Mori found that a toaster oven and portable induction burner were fine for her needs. They stay in the cabinets under the counter when not in use, which frees up space.

Ditto for the half-sized fridge.

The kitchen has plenty of storage for dishes and, of course, a thematic statue. (And how cute is that teapot?)

Unlike a lot of tiny homes that feature the bed on a loft, Thousand Crow has a pull-out queen-sized mattress that's stored under the mezzanine level during the day. Mori decided that the low headroom of a loft bed and the reduced ceiling height on the lower level made her uncomfortable, so she came up with this solution.

Living with two cats posed a unique challenge as well, particularly when it came to the litter box. Mori used a computer fan to suck the air (and the smell) through a vent, which sends it outside. It's operated with a switch.

The bathroom has a shower stall and a toilet facing each other. By using the sink in the kitchen instead of installing another in the bathroom, Mori could maximize the space.

zdroj: viralnova

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