Muž objavil jaskyňu a rozhodol sa v nej bývať. Neuveríte, aký úžasný domov z nej vytvoril!

37- ročný Abgelo Mastropietro sa rozhodol nasledovať príklad svojich dávnych predkov a rozhodol sa pre život v jaskyni. K tomuto rozhodnutiu ho však nepriviedol náhly rozmar, ale drastická zmena v jeho hektickom živote – diagnóza roztrúsená skleróza.

Abgelo od základov zmenil svoj život a namiesto hektického života v meste, trávil množstvo času v prírode. Na jednej zo svojich dobrodružných výprav objavil muž jaskyňu vo Wyre Forest na území britského Worcestershiru. Neváhal a starú jaskyňu odkúpil za viac ako 60 000 Libier.

Muž dlhých 8 mesiacov takmer každý deň vlastnoručne menil chladnú kamennú dieru na domov svojich snov. A bola to skutočne tvrdá práca. Aby mohol Abgelo začať budovať interiér svojho budúceho obydlia, musel najskôr vyniesť z útrob jaskyne viac ako 70 ton sutiny.

Je však vôbec možné premeniť chladnú kamennú dieru na vysnívaný domov? Odpoveď znie áno. Nakoniec, pozrite sa sami!

The dark and dingy space needed to be completely renovated, with thousands of man hours being put into scraping through the stone

With the constant threat of his illness - which once left him paralysed - the extensive manual labour was a bigger consideration than usual

The cave was abandoned in the late 1940s and has been falling into disrepair ever since. Pictured: Presenter Kevin McCloud helps Mr Mastropieto create a built-in wardrobe in what will eventually become one of the cave's bedrooms 

He bought the cave (pictured from outside before the makeover) for £62,000 after seeing it advertised in the local property supplement

A former businessman has returned to underground living by converting a cave in the Wyre Forest, Worcestershire, into his dream home 

Angelo Mastropietro, 37, spent eight months single-handedly transforming the 800-year-old hobbit hole into a 21st century luxury bolthole

The father-of-two excavated 70 tonnes of stone by hand before turning his dream into a reality. This is the finished dining room in the cave

Mr Mastropietro, who designed and created this kitchen, spotted the cave when he and some friends found shelter during a rainy bike ride

Although he wanted a calm and peaceful home Mr Mastropietro did not shun all the trappings of modern life and has electricity and water

The completed home, which features on tonight's Grand Designs, has a huge terrace, intimate rooms and white walls to brighten it up

It sits in an area which apparently inspired JRR Tolkien to create Middle Earth

Mr Mastropieto did not need planning permission and had no guidance of how to convert the space. He spent £100,000 on the conversion

Zdroj: dailymail

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